Mathew Higbee has been interviewed for an article in the magazine Fast Company entitled “Here Come The Copyright Bots For Hire, With Lawyers In Tow.” The article highlights the prolific copyright settlements achieved by the Copyright Division of Higbee & Associates, being one of the top 10 firms filing cases in the U.S. last year. The article discusses how easy it is for bots to crawl the internet and find images that may infringe on copyright law and how Higbee & Associates has used that technology, through strategic partnerships, to find copyright infringers online.
Copyright infringement cases tend to be very straightforward in regards to infringement liabilities so 75 to 80 percent of cases settle out of court. The cases that do go to court tend to settle very quickly.
“Because copyright law is so clear and the facts are usually indisputable as to whether someone has taken an image without a license, it rarely goes to court, because there’s not much for the court to have to decide. The parties know what they own and the parties know what they don’t own. The parties know what they took without a license and what they didn’t take.” – Mathew Higbee
You can learn more about our copyright process in the article or view our Copyright Division page to find out how we can help you get compensation for your copyrighted work that may have been infringed. There has never been an easier time to find others who are stealing your copyrighted work online.