Record Expungement is the trusted division of Higbee & Associates, specializing in post-conviction relief across 17 states. Known for our unmatched success, we’ve assisted over 13,000 individuals in clearing their criminal records and continue to lead the way in reforming expungement laws nationwide. 

Every year, helps thousands of people transform their lives by erasing past mistakes, enabling them to pursue better job opportunities, secure housing, and build a brighter future. If you’re looking to clear your criminal record, we are the go-to experts in expungement

From Orange County to Nationwide

What started as a local practice in Orange County, California, has now expanded into a national service, helping clients across the country.’s pioneering services have helped establish new standards in the field of criminal record clearing. Our offerings include innovative solutions like the Expedited Record Clearance Update, which prevents expunged or sealed records from appearing on background checks, and Criminal Background Check Removal, which eliminates your records from over 30 popular people search websites.

Clear, Easy, and Affordable Solutions provides straightforward and accessible information about post-conviction relief options in each state we serve. Our free online eligibility test allows you to determine the best course of action for clearing your record, while our services come with low-price guarantees, money-back guarantees, and flat-fee pricing. We also offer interest-free payment plans and a secure online case management system, so you can check the status of your case anytime, anywhere.

Find Out If You Qualify

Visit to learn more about how we can help you put your past behind you. Take our free online eligibility test today to see if you qualify to clear your criminal record. Explore success stories from our satisfied clients and discover how we’ve made a positive impact on thousands of lives.

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